Posted on: 28 May 2024

We know nationally people are still experiencing some shortages across some medicines and we are doing our best to support people to continue to get the treatment they need, we will continue to review the situation and keep people updated. The shortage of medicines used to treat ADHD is ongoing, due to a combination of manufacturing issues and increased global demand. 

However, we have been informed that some of these medications have now been resolved. This includes: Lisdexamfetamine, Dexamfetamine, Guanfacine. There are still issues with Methylphenidate and people might be issued with an alternative until stocks restore. 

We will keep you updated with any further developments. I would urge you to take a look at our information and resource page for Neurodevelopmental needs on the Mindworks website, this page which has recently been updated, has lots of helpful strategies and interventions to support ADHD symptomology as well as some medication advice under the ADHD section.

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