Posted on: 20 March 2024

Joint update from Mindworks Surrey, NHS Surrey Heartlands and Surrey County Council 

We recognise that some children and young people, and their families, are waiting longer to access support than we would want them to, and we understand this is a particularly difficult time for parents and carers who are supporting a young person with a suspected neurodevelopmental need. 

There are several reasons for this wait, including a significant rise in the number of children and young people being referred to Mindworks for a neurodevelopmental diagnostic assessment.  

We sent out a communication in November regarding the changes to our neurodevelopmental pathway, if you haven’t read this communication please do so as this provides some useful background information regarding the changes.  

Improving access to professional support, through direct consultations with neurodevelopmental (ND) experts.

As you would have read in our previous communications, access to the neurodevelopmental pathway is currently only available via a school consultation. The consultations bring together the support networks around the child or young person including school staff, parent/carer and Mindworks experts, to work together on ensuring the needs of a child or young person are met.

Consultations were introduced in December 2023 and in response to feedback, Mindworks has extended consultations to a wider range of children and young people and now includes those children or young people who are already known to mental health and require more urgent interventions. Under the extended offer, schools can now contact the team to request a formal consultation in the following situations: 

  • Where the school is supporting a child or young person experiencing high levels of distress, that is impacting their behaviour and ability to participate in school.  
  • Where the school is supporting a child or young person whose attendance is below 70% (this would trigger a safeguarding referral) and has been referred to (or has self-referred to) Early Help and where support has been offered.  
  • Where the school is supporting a child or young person who is already known to mental health and specialist services and whose neurodevelopmental needs require more urgent interventions. 

For CYP who are currently not attending school but remain on school roll and where the child or young person is experiencing high levels of distress, that is impacting their behaviour and ability to participate in learning, consultations can be booked by the school. 

For children and young people who are being home-schooled and are not on the school roll and where the child or young person is experiencing high levels of distress, that is impacting their behaviour and ability to participate in learning, a half an hour consultation can be booked by parents/carers by calling the number below. For these children and young people, a referral to Early Help must have taken place (self-referral is possible).  

All children and young people should be being supported to consistently engage with early help and strategies at home and in school or in the environments that are important to them. An enhanced range of materials and resources are available on the Mindworks Surrey website, which now includes new videos of our workshops, flashcards and strategy sheets.

Booking consultations 

Consultations can only be booked by schools if the child or young person is on a school roll. Schools have information to enable them to book these. Parents are encouraged to speak to their school to ensure their is a graduated approach to support. 

For homeschooled children that are not on school roll a 30-minute consultation can be booked by parents/carers by calling the Neurodevelopmental Service on 0300 222 5856. As a diagnostic assessment requires information on how the person functions in at least 2 different environments, it would however be helpful to involve another professional involved in the young person’s care (e.g. clinician, home tutor, early help) 

Through these consultations, a joint agreement may result in the child or young person having a neurodevelopmental diagnostic assessment, or the information and initial assessment may indicate that an alternative pathway would be more appropriate.  

We have been engaging and communicating with schools and clinicians in the area to ensure they understand the current situation we are facing, and have provided them with the necessary tools and resources they require to support a child, young person and their family.  

We recognise that the demand on neurodevelopmental pathways both locally and nationally is at a critical position. The Integrated Care Board, Surrey County Council and Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust are working together to improve the experience of children young people and families in Surrey.  

A reminder of the range of support available  

All children young people and families can access additional support and strategies through Mindworks Surrey at any time without needing a referral. This includes:  

  • Access to general advice and support through an out-of-hours advice line for Neurodevelopmental support (0300 222 5755), which is available from 5pm -11pm, seven days a week, 365 days a year.  

This provides advice and signposting support to parents and carers who are struggling with behaviours, challenges or difficulties which could be related to neurodevelopmental needs, such as those associated with ADHD or Autism.  

  • Strategies and interventions relating to a potential neurodevelopmental need that may be helpful are available on the website: Neurodevelopmental needs Mindworks Surrey.
  • Access to a free 24/7 mental health crisis line (0800 915 4644) for children aged from six years, young people and their families or carers whose needs require immediate support.  

The Crisis Line is staffed by professionals who will provide advice, support, and signposting to a range of community services. It is open 24/7 and should be used when a child or young person’s needs mean they require support in that moment and where there is a concern about managing safety needs.  

The service is open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, all year round (except bank holidays). 

We will provide a further update in the summer. 

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